The grey fox
(Lycalopex griseus)
The grey fox, this canid is somewhat smaller in size than the culpeo fox, and can weigh around 4 kg. As its name gives away, its coloration is grayish in almost the entirety of its body, being whitish towards the chest and abdomen.
It is characterized by having a pointed snout and large ears. It usually lives in lower areas than the culpeo fox, being common in coastal areas but also living at altitudes of up to 4200 meters above sea level.
It is an opportunistic animal whose diet is very broad, depending on what is available in the environment, and includes small insects, seeds, fruits, rodents, birds, and carrion. It can be found from southern Bolivia, Brazil and Paraguay to the Island of Tierra del Fuego, where it was introduced in the 1950s.
More information: https://inaturalist.mma.gob.cl/taxa/332338-Lycalopex-grisea
Culpeo or Andean Fox
(Lycalopex culpaeus)
The culpeo or Andean fox is the largest fox that we can find in Chile, and can weigh between 5 and 9kg. It differs from the grey or chilla fox mainly because of its reddish-brown color, which is why it is also known as the red fox. In addition, it has a proportionally larger muzzle and smaller ears.

Its distribution is very wide and ranges from Colombia to Tierra del Fuego, including Peru, Bolivia, Ecuador, Argentina and Chile. In Chile it is present practically throughout the country, from sea level to 4800 meters above sea level.
The culpeo is an opportunistic carnivore, which feeds depending on what is available in the environment, so its diet can vary from fruits and seeds to rodents, hares and insects. They are solitary animals with twilight to nocturnal habits, although it is very common for them to be active in broad daylight.
More information: https://animalia.bio/es/culpeo
Photos: PÃa Vergara @piavergarafotografia
Text: Nicolás Lagos @nicolagos_s