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We created this space to share with you latest news about our Foundation
and the work we are doing day by day in the field.

"The Guardian" coverage
Lights, dogs, action! Patagonia project to keep pumas from preying on sheep A trial using maremma sheepdogs and Foxlights is offering a...

American Kestrel (Falco sparverius)
The American Kestrel, with its 60 cm long outstretched wings and 25 to 30cm tall, the kestrel is the smallest falcon in America. It is a...

Upland Goose (Chloephaga picta)
The upland Goose is a very common bird in the extreme south of South America. It is found on both sides of the Andes mountain range, in...

Black carpenter (Campephilus magellanicus)
The black carpenter, characteristic of the temperate and subantarctic forests of Chile and Argentina, is the largest of the American...

Armadillo (Chaetophractus villosus)
The armadillo; this is one of the two armadillos possible to find in Patagonia. Also known as hairy, with a weight ranging from 1.5 to...

Lesser Horned Owl (Bubo magellanicus)
The Lesser Horned Owl or Tucúquere is a large owl, whose wingspan can reach 120cm and measures between 45 and 55 cm tall. It is...

Geoffroy cat (Leopards geoffroyi)
The Geoffroy cat; this small feline, between 80 and 100cm long, between 2.5 and 8 kg in weight and similar in appearance to a domestic...

Chingue (Conepatus humboldt)
The chingue or skunk is a medium-sized carnivore, with black fur and a long tail with long fan-shaped hairs. It is characterized by...

Long-tailed meadowlark (Sturnella loyca)
The long-tailed meadowlark is a very common bird in Patagonia and throughout Chile, which is distributed from central Chile and Argentina...

Crested Caracara (Caracara plancus)
The Crested Caracara or Carancho, also known under the name of traro for the vocalization it performs, which is similar to the sound of a...
"Two things catch my attention: the intelligence of the beasts
and the bestiality of men."
- Flora Tristan
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